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Welcome to the New Year!


A kaleidoscope of colors. The seed catalogs have been piling up for a while and it's time to get our 2023 order in!

We spent the holidays catching up with friends & family and enjoying lots of time outdoors! Skiing, snowshoeing, skating, sledding, fishing, and campfires. So many of our favorite winter activities. The break has been wonderful, but it's time to get back to business!

The month of planning, plotting, and ordering supplies has begun.

Happy chickens enjoying yesterday's sunshine and some leftover cabbage and broccoli.

When you go to order eggs this week, you may notice the change of price.

At the beginning of the new year, we decided it was finally time to increase our egg prices. Store bought eggs tend to fluctuate in price quite often, but we try to keep things as consistent as possible, which is why we have held off for as long as we have. With the continual rise of feed prices over the past couple years, we've crunched our numbers and found we are barely covering the cost of feeding the chickens most weeks, let alone the other expenses/labor of raising chickens and egg operation.

We love our chickens, the delicious eggs they produce, and the beneficial manure they create, so we hope you understand our decision and continue to support us and our laying ladies.

Egg pick up is Wednesday from 11-2pm. If you are ever in need of a different pick up time, please reach out to us by email or text and we will try to accommodate. Thanks! or 218-244-7164

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