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June 29th Farm Box


Picture of last weeks Farm Box.

Some of the items with be similar as last week, but we are adding Celery to replace the broccoli, Dill instead of sage, and hopefully will be able to include the first Green Onions of the year.

June 29th Farm Box:

- Sugar Snap Peas

- Cucumbers

- Celery

- Mixed Bundle of Kale/Chard

- Kohlrabi

- Fresh Cut Dill

- *Maybe Green Onions*

We've removed plants from the website and will be having a Season Closeout Plant Sale during Wednesday pick up at the farm from 11-2pm. Plants will be outside in front of the Red Shed with prices marked down 30-50% OFF. I most likely will not be there, so it will be honor system payment. You can place cash or check in the money drop box inside the Red Shed.

We've still got beautiful flowers, a nice selection of herbs, and a few peppers & tomatoes left.

We won't be listing eggs for ordering again this week and will only be fulfilling our standing weekly orders.

We are anxiously waiting for the new chickens to start laying so our supply increases soon!

The peppers are starting to size up and we are picking the first few ripe tomatoes. Won't be long before you start to see these beauties in future Farm Boxes.

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