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Tomatoes Are In & Plant Sale Next Weekend!


It was a very big weekend for us. The tomato and pepper tunnel have been planted. Hurray!Let the countdown begin to a summer of sweet, juicy, farm fresh tomatoes!

It's fast and furious right now on the farm and so much growth is happening. We are focused on getting plants in the ground and preparing for our Open House & Plant Sale next Saturday, May 4th!

Baby radishes emerging from the soil. They were the first direct seeded crop to pop, but the beans and carrots are also starting to show up!

Remember the pictures on the left that I posted just 2 weeks ago?

The pictures on the right are those very same plants! Oh how they've grown!

Growth of the Swiss chard from April 14th to April 27th. Won't be long before it's ready to harvest!

The lettuce is also sizing up nicely! We are right on schedule to have fresh harvested lettuce available on our first day at the Grand Rapids Farmers' Market, Saturday, May 11th.

Bryndlewood Gardens

Open House & Plant Sale

Saturday, May 4th

10:00 am - 2:00 pm

Come kick off the growing season with us next Saturday and get a jump start on your garden! We will have a wonderful variety of vegetable, herb, & annual/perennial flower plants for sale.

If you can't make it Saturday, we will be launching our online plant ordering Monday, May 6th. We will have weekly farm pick ups on Wednesdays. You can also find our plants at the Grand Rapids Farmers' Market every Saturday starting May 11th!

Farm Fresh Eggs are available this week. Pick up at the farm Wednesday, from 11-2pm.

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