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Happy Spring! Well Sort Of...

The 1st official day of Spring has come and gone, but you wouldn't know it if you looked outside! I considered posting a picture of the snow after last week's storm, but decided against it. No one wants to see that anymore! Right?! The recent snow, and more forecasted for this week, feels like a bit of a set back. To feel better about it, I've had to remind myself that this happens almost every year. I'm just grateful it's only March, and not April or May when we've also been buried in snow years past.

Even with the cold/snowy weather, things are moving along here on the farm.

The first tunnel was tilled last week and we are beginning to prep it for planting.

Many steps must take place before that can happen.

  1. Till 2. Stake 3. Shovel 4. Rake 5. Irrigation Run 6. Fabric placed 7. Plant!

Can't wait until the picture above is bursting with plants. :)

I love how vibrant and beautiful baby lettuce plants are. These will be some of the very first plants to be put into the ground in the first tunnel.

Strawberry growth progression. (Left to Right: Pics taken on 2/21, 3/10, 3/21)

The plants are starting to size up nicely and will soon be potted up into their baskets.

So excited!

Eggs are listed and ready for ordering this week. We are in desperate need of CLEAN egg cartons. If anyone is spring cleaning and needs to unload, we'd be happy to take them off your hands! You can drop them in front of the house next to the egg fridge.

Thank you in advance. :)

Order Eggs Here:

Pick up Wednesday, from 11-2pm.

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