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Happy Holidays


Winter Wonderland

Our little helper off to help dig out the tunnels!

Like most of you, we spent many hours last week digging ourselves out after the snowstorm.

We feel lucky that with the heavy snow and ice, all of our tunnels are still standing and weathered the storm really well. The chicken run was pretty much the only one that needed help with snow removal and the piles quickly became a fun playground! As much as heavy snowfalls can be an inconvenience, the beauty and fun to be had is so worth it. We hope to do a lot of skiing, snowshoeing, and sledding as a family this winter.

Egg supply is a little low right now as the chickens are adapting to the extra cold weather and dark days. We have a few available for pick up this Wednesday and then will be taking a week off between Christmas and New Years. Egg pick up will resume on Wednesday, January 4th.

We wish everyone a very Happy Holidays!

-Bryn & Wil

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