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Growth & Loss


Magical little baby kohlrabi & lettuce doubling in size everyday!

I had a recent reminder about risk and loss in farming last weekend.

I went to check on the plants in the morning and discovered that a little mouse had enjoyed a delicious buffet of lettuce over night. Luckily, he got full before finding all of the flats and left some untouched. Other positives are it's early enough to reseed, I always grow extras in case of poor germination/loss, and I would much rather have the damage done now than in a few more weeks when the lettuce is much more mature!

I of course groaned (and possibly cursed!) before running through these upsides, but it reminded me of this lesson...

Learning to deal with the losses, stay positive, and keep going is an integral part of farming as there are so many things that could go wrong and out of our control. It's not always easy (far from it), but I've had some practice over the years and it's better than the alternative of giving up when things get tough!

In a blink, something that you’ve been growing, tending, and nurturing for weeks or months could be completely wiped out. Weather events like frost, floods, drought, hail, wind, heat and animals/pests, disease, bugs, and malfunctioning equipment are just a few that can destroy all of your hard work. Farming is a risk everyday, but the reward (if achieved!) is so worth it!

The sea of onions continuing to grow and expand!

Farm Fresh Eggs are available for ordering with pick up on Wednesday, 11-2pm.

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