Yell it to the mountain tops, the lettuce has arrived! After the very long, cold winter we finally have fresh, lush green, homegrown lettuce. Nothing beats that first bite of a crisp, sweet, spring salad.
Order Lettuce Here:
Pick up at the farm on Wednesday, May 10th from 11-2pm.
Farm Fresh Eggs are also available for ordering with pick up on Wednesday, 11-2pm.
It was a crazy packed weekend of planting and prep around here. Nothing compares to the wild schedule we keep during spring planting. The pressure is on to get everything in the ground and all our baby plants potted up and ready for sale.
Tunnel #2 is almost fully planted with loads of future beautiful cut flowers, scallions, celery, and second round of more cool loving veggies.
To our great relief, pots arrived on Friday and it was a mad dash to pot up all the peppers & tomatoes.
Our wonderful family also pitched in over the weekend and helped prep tunnel #3 so we can plant our own tomatoes, peppers, and cucumbers this week!
With all that going on, sadly some things weren't able to be checked off the to do list.
Namely, getting our online plant pre-ordering launched.
As much as we wish we could do it all, this weekend was a great reminder that in fact, we simply can't do it all. On the positive, we get to put all our love and care into watching over your future plants for one more week while you can focus on prepping your own gardens.
I hope you can all bare with us...we promise it's worth the wait!
If you'd like to get your hands on some of these blooming beauties before Mother's Day, you can find us at the Grand Rapids Farmer's Market this Saturday! Otherwise, we HOPE that we can finally launch online ordering next Monday, May 15th with our full selection available.
Also, mark your calendars for our annual
Bryndlewood Gardens
Open House & Plant Sale
Sunday, May 21st
Come join us on the farm to shop, explore, & learn!